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(150/207) 2996453 - Privilege escalation for editing files

When opening a file that is not writable by the current user, jEdit should check whether the user wants to open the file read-only or as superuser / another user. Here's an imagined workflow:
1. According to the principle of least privilege, start by notifying the user that the file cannot be modified with the current privileges. Ask if the user wants to open read-only or read-write (and maybe a check box to use the same option for all other files opened at the same time).
2. If the user selected read-write, display the users/groups which have write access and user/password boxes. If the user is also a member of sudoers, there could be a check box to use sudo which would gray out the user box and focus the password.

Submitted engmark - 2010-05-04 - 09:18:51z Assigned nobody
Priority 5 Category None
Status Open Group None
Resolution None Visibility No


2010-05-04 - 09:45:02z
Hi, I'm not sure it is possible to do that with java.
What would happens on Windows ?
Do any software do that ?
2010-05-04 - 11:21:52z
It would have to be adopted to the individual platforms, but certainly it should be possible in Java. There should be cross-platform libraries at least to get the privileges assigned to a file. Emacs does this <>, and Vim at least allows you to save via sudo <>. Nautilus and Explorer both have options to run as superuser, so it should be possible to find the code that does just the access right reading.
